Student organizations and/or non-College entities wishing to display flyers/posters/PR materials on LaGrange College property must be approved by the Vice President for Student Engagement & Dean of Students or designated appointee responsible for the bulletin board(s) in a particular building. All printed materials may only be displayed on designated bulletin boards across campus; they may not be affixed to walls, windows, or doors without written permission from the Vice President for Student Engagement & Dean of Students – this includes the inability of students to hang or post anything on residence hall windows. Any materials posted that are deemed to not support the College mission may be removed at the discretion of the Vice President & Dean of Students. The name of the sponsor(s) and contact information must be displayed on the posted materials. This policy also includes posting on and/or painting the rocks on the residential quad, using chalk to write on sidewalks, and/or the use of any other media to mark any other area that the college deems permissible for the display of signs, paintings, printings, chalk, etc.
It is the expectation that the entity that posted materials on campus are responsible for the removal of event flyers, exhibits, and displays within 24 hours after the event. Student Engagement reserves the right to fine registered organizations for violations of this policy. Organizations that have disregarded the signage policy may be given one courtesy warning via e-mail (at the discretion of the VP for Student Engagement and Dean of Students depending on severity of concerns), after which, the organization will be fined $50 each day until the items are removed. Second offenses may result in the organization being prohibited from posting or exhibiting until the next academic semester.